White Critics Trying to Gang Up on Kimbo Slice
If you open up your internet and your homepage happens to be yahoo, you may find a story on Kimbo Slice. The author of the story gives Kimbo a freakin' tounge lashing. He down plays all of his credentials and trys to present him as a menace to the sport. On top of all these bogus remarks he then asks the question "is Kimbo really ready for real mixed martial arts?"... AND THEN he makes the ballsy statement that Kimbo would get "demolished" by a real competitor and that his street style of fighting won't last long. It sounds to me like Kimbo has some HATERS! I have a few problems with this article and the recent critiscm Kimbo has been facing:
1. They have no reasoning behind it. Kimbo hasn't made any explicit or nasty remarks in public and hasn't disrespected anyone, so why the fear and anymosity towards him.
2. The tone of the writer and other critics of Kimbo, keep stressing his "street" reputation. Okay we all know that "street" is associated with black. I think the real problem is that Kimbo presents a problem of domination. He represents the possibility that Mixed Martial Arts could soon be a sport dominated by African Americans and other individuals of the Afro persuasion. This pisses me off because they make it seem as if we will lower the intergity of their sport in some way. NEWSFLASH!!! The black spending power is an estimated 128 billion dollars ( that aint no typo shawty) and believe me we intend to use it. We would only bring some much needed flavor to these venues and at our worse, have a few fights in the stands. :)
3. Kimbo has an amazing story behind his success, he is self made, and a very intelligent man with a black wife. This is too much for his white critics, they have no angle to villinize him on. SO what do they do? Attack his ability. and you know what Kimbo did, after all these critics ( we call em' HATERS) decided he would lose miserably....HE won...in 48 SECONDS!!! that is what we call an ass whoopin.
I wonder what they will have to say next?
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