Monday, July 21, 2008

Blacks can be green!

Do not dismiss the notion of being green. We as an urban people have the ability to play an instrumental role in the efforts of saving the earth.

Considering that America is an recession and has not experienced inflation of this scale since the nineteen thirties (depression era), it would be wise to consider living greener. If the lacking economy is not motivation enough, the dire condition of the environment should be further impetus to change our ways. Not only will you feel better about your contribution to the betterment and better likelihood of the Ozone layer, you will save a significant amount of cash. From heat and electric all the way to your grocery bill, living green has extreme positives. One way to save money by living greener comes in the area of where people spend most of their money…children. For people who have pamper age children, purchasing pampers can be one of the most monetarily pain staking tasks that parents can ever experience. You will often wonder why such a necessity would be so outrageously expensive. One amazing alternative to this disheartening money grubbing purchase is cloth diapers. Cloth diapers a simple to use and very inexpensive. Naturally, you are concerned with what materials your child is being exposed to. Cloth diapers are considerably more mild than plastic diapers and are made from a range of materials. With plastic diapers you can only purchase them in well…plastic. On the other hand, cloth diapers can be composed from anything to bamboo all the way to hemp. This is not only good for the sake of your wallet it is extremely green, considering that cloth diapers do not end up in the landfills and dumps that continue to pollute the earth. You may not realize it but the simple things can have gargantuan effects on your wallet and the earth’s atmosphere and condition. Have you ever purchased paper plates, cups and utensils just for the sake of not having to wash dishes? This saves you from doing work in the kitchen but it is very harmful for the environment and can sometimes cut into precious spending money. One way to nip this practice in the bud is by investing in a sturdy collection of paper plates and utensils but instead of discarding them after they have been used, you can wash them and reuse them. This not only helps the environment, it eliminates the need to purchase more in the future, thus saving you money. If you are the type of person who does not mind using “real” dishes, you can also save money and Ozone by practicing better methods of dish washing. For starters, you can wash dishes manually. This saves electric energy and money. If you find that you must use the dishwasher, be sure to only wash dishes when the machine is full. There are plenty of other simple ways to save money and the environment. You can save your plastic bottles and recycle them. This will earn you money and help the earth. When you go shopping you can save the plastic grocery bags for other use. Those bags make perfect trash bags for the small restroom waste baskets in your home. After using a cardboard box you do not always have to throw it away, you can save it and use for shipping packages. Instead of purchasing and discarding old floppy discs you can invest in a jump drive. These are just a few of the many ways you can save the earth and save hundreds of dollars each month.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

McCain or Mcsame?

It would be safe to say that if you were considering voting for John McCain in this upcoming election, that you would be promoting the principles of war mongering, fear mongering and basically the exact same virtues of George Bush. Perhaps the most frustrating thing about John McCain is the fact that if he is elected in office, nothing will change. By checking the box for him, you will be supporting the same bullshit that we as a collective have had to endure for the last eight years. If your dumb enough to need proof, here it goes.

1. John McCain has publicly admitted that he would remain in Iraq...."for one hundred years if he had to". Anyone who supports the killing of innocent men, women and children for the sake of oil should not only be rejected as a presidential candidate, that individual should be in an asylum.

2. Racial matters, McCain has showed no promise in this area at all. McCain represents an image of the old south and with him in office, blacks and Hispanics ( and the white people who love us), might be having crosses burnt in our yards again. I mean do you really want to vote for someone who fought to have MLK day NOT recognized as a holiday?

3. The economy, okay were not is a recession...depression sounds more like it, the stock market plummeted another 215 points yesterday and all McCain plans to do about it is a gas tax holiday!!!??? gas is higher than milk! what are we going to do with 50 cents off.

In closing, John McCain represents a future plight that we as a people don't have to put up with. He stands for an ideology that should no longer be tolerated and if you believe that we should "stay out of the Bush's" then you should do the same for McCain. Obama 08 y'all.